Wednesday, September 16, 2015

TOW #1 - 9/11 as a Political Cartoon

The author of this visual text is political cartoonist Steve Breen. In this particular work of his he wanted to take a well-known topic like the tragedy of 9/11, and create a lesser known perspective about it that many people could relate to. His audience is most likely Americans who have slightly more extensive knowledge about 9/11 details, because otherwise they would not understand the focal point of the text. Breen created this image on the fourteenth anniversary of the event. He uses rhetorical devices such as pathos to convey his purpose for it.

The Statue of Liberty is such a well-known image in our country, and is certainly a mark in American history that will not be forgotten. Breen incorporates the three locations affected by terrorism on 9/11 into the torch of the statue to represent how the event is also a historical landmark that should not and cannot be forgotten. The stark contrast between the tragedy of 9/11 and the symbol of hope that the Statue of Liberty exemplifies the widespread shock that was felt on that day. 

Since Breen wanted to create such a different representation of 9/11, he needed to appeal to his audience's emotions so that the true meaning could really sink in. As a part of that audience, I think Breen was successful in achieving his purpose. I have never seen anything like this political cartoon in relation to 9/11 and it certainly gave me a new way to look at it.

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