Thursday, January 14, 2016

TOW #15 - Saving the Twinkie

I chose to analyze this visual text because how hard I laughed upon seeing the facial expressions of the deranged citizens losing their minds over the end of the reign of Hostess. I think it is such an accurate representation of our society for more than just the obvious reason of America loving its fatty foods. Looking at the background, there is no landscape; the people are simply standing on barren wasteland, which emphasizes the woman's "SAVE THE EARTH" sign. Most people would think this is just about a cartoonist cracking jokes about how Americans acted so desperately upon realizing their Twinkies were going to disappear. It is a very thought-provoking way to show how because Americans acted so desperately about the Twinkies (along with many other occasions) they failed to realize the thing they should be most desperate about saving...the Earth they plant their feet on to protest about Twinkies. The author of this visual text was very clever in highlighting how many people often fail to see the bigger picture of things, or fail to think too far ahead for fear of what the future might actually hold. Instead of taking action individually, people are more likely to say to themselves, "Oh, well, there's plenty of people in the world, so someone else is bound to take care of the problem" when crisis-related issues (that require actual hard work) like the future of the Earth arise. BUT, when taking away one's ability to stuff their pie hole full of hydrogenated fat ridden, cream-filled sponge cake, we suddenly see the greatest call to arms since the war efforts of WWII. This has turned into a bit of a rant, but I felt it was necessary to get that deep into the idea behind the photo.

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