Sunday, March 13, 2016

TOW #21 - "Women shouldn't..." visual text

This week for my visual text I chose to analyze the advertisement I picked for our inductive/deductive reasoning activity in class. Because I think the advertisement's message and presentation are so powerful, I thought it would be perfect to analyze for a TOW.

Aside from the most obvious aspect of the "women shouldn't ____" one-liners in the search bar, the fact that the search bar is covering the woman's mouth is what make its 'searches' so powerful. The metaphor it provides shows how the discrimination women face on a day-to-day basis is impossible for them to counteract because they have no say in what they are capable of. This powerful rhetoric makes for a very effective argument on UN Women's part.

This particular ad is just one of many that are part of this installment, each showing different kinds and severities of sexism towards women around the world. The most important part of these advertisements is how they show how something a man might say jokingly has such misogynistic undertones (that he might not even realize). Showing how sexism can hide in plain sight when one is not educated on the matter, or simply not on the receiving end. Overall, I think the UN Women sector did a wonderful job in the creation and power of these advertisements.

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