Sunday, October 11, 2015

TOW #5 - PSA for Drinking and Driving

I found this striking photo while scrolling through pages of other visual texts, and I don't think it's hard to believe when I say that I think this one is interesting. What made it catch my eye first and foremost, was the abnormality of it. The creator of the text documented a mundane thing made differently. As a way to speak out against drunk driving, I find that this photo is very effective. It uses facts/figures and appeals to pathos to achieve the goal of making a difference in people's minds about their future choices. The facts/figures aspect is used when stating that a drunk driver disables someone 'Every 48 Seconds', and obviously the text as a whole appeals to pathos because it really puts into perspective how drunk driving can destroy lives.

Aside from appealing to pathos, this text also appeals to logos because it forces its viewers to take a step back and really understand the devastating effects of drunk driving. Because so many people are becoming handicapped due to drunk driving-related accidents, the topic cannot (logically) be ignored. This is also very effective in helping the author of the text achieve their purpose of reducing drunk driving accidents because, again, it will make people think twice about their choices and hopefully reduce and/or diminish the number of drunk driving accidents that result in paralyzation there are. Even though the author of this visual text is unknown, I think they were successful in accomplishing their purpose of drawing attention to this matter. The photo really does make you stop and think for a second how big of problem drunk driving is as a whole.

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